Terms and Conditions

About Mabeit Al aqariya Corporation:

A real estate development company that does not have a lot of fame from small residential entities except for the purpose of selling and the concept of establishing various hotels and multiple entertainment levels of quality of life.

Services provided :

Creating housing units and managing hotels and resorts

Privacy Notice

The General Authority for Large Small Enterprises ” Mabeit Al aqariya ” has decided the importance of the privacy of protecting your data, and places the confidentiality of the data of its users and its ministries at the top of its list of priorities. Therefore, we are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of data and protecting the rights of all users. We have prepared this specific attention to clarify all of the following:

Agree to the Privacy Notice

Your approval of the Privacy Notice means your agreement to the privacy controls and conditions subject to all services, programs and initiatives provided by “Mabeit Al aqariya” on its official website or its affiliated official websites and the continuous amendments made to them according to the need and nature of the work.

What data is collected?

Once you fill out any form or provide us with any information and send it via the browser or communicate with us via phone, email or social media, your data will be saved on the servers of the General Authority in Mabeit Al aqariya, where all your data that you provide through the site is collected, stored and used.

In addition, all data received will be collected, stored and used by other entities that serve establishments and entrepreneurs, which are as follows: Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing, Ministry of Investment, Ministry of Finance, Small and Medium Enterprises Bank. , Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority, General Corporation for Social Development, Human Resources Development Fund, “Sabil”, Saudi Exports, Bayan Credit Information, Chambers of Commerce, Saudi Business Center, business accelerators and incubators, startup studios, and other government and private agencies that support or Provides services to establishments or entrepreneurs.

The type of data that is collected, stored and used includes: personal data, transaction data, and facility data. Transaction data means data that describes any event that takes place during communication on the site, for example: the time of accessing the site, the pages you visited.

“ Mabeit Al aqariya” is committed to the main principles and general rules of personal data protection with respect to your personal data, as well as the main principles and general rules for data sharing with regard to your personal data, your facility, and your transactions.